George Handy Smith

A noteworthy ancestor in this family’s tree was General Lachlan McIntosh, a member of General George Washington’s staff at their Valley Forge encampment during the American Revolution. His great-grand-niece, Margaret…

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Samuel Crothers

There were seven siblings in Sam’s family that were older than him, plus two younger ones. Their parents were immigrants who settled in Philadelphia from northern Ireland. From a family…

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Thomas Bacon, Jr.

This man’s plot is marked with a ledger grave, a flat, horizontal stone that has plenty of room for a lengthy epitaph or whatever else one wishes to have inscribed.…

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Nathan Bryan

The Bryan family was one of the earliest to settle in the coastal plain of eastern North Carolina. Nathan’s father was one of several brothers that established plantations. As such,…

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John Francis Maher

This ancient Irish surname is pronounced like Mars but without the letter “s.” John was given the name when he was born in Waterford, Ireland, but his father wasn’t there…

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James Godman Peale

The Peale family included several well-known artists from the post-Revolutionary War era. George Washington sat for seven portraits by Charles Wilson Peale, who painted many of the founding fathers. His…

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Charles Franklin Iseminger

Charles was the grandson of Nicholas Iseminger, a Continental Army soldier who served in the Sixth Battalion of the Pennsylvania Militia during the American Revolution. The soldier’s son, Adam, had…

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John C. Grady

The easternmost city in the continental United States is appropriately named Eastport, Maine, where John was born. His Irish father and Massachusetts-born mother raised four other boys and a girl…

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George Pennock Connell

Each of the officials of Mount Moriah Cemetery Association (the organization that founded Mount Moriah and ran the cemetery until it closed) led noteworthy lives, and through their individual life…

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Horatio Pennock Connell

Each of the officials of Mount Moriah Cemetery Association (the organization that founded Mount Moriah and ran the cemetery until it closed) led noteworthy lives, and through their individual life…

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