World War I

Edward John Lacey

Navy Chief Gunner’s Mate, World War I; printing press operator
Killed in Action | World War II

David Norman Lamond

Army Second Lieutenant, World War II, Killed in Action; Purple Heart recipient

Olive Gertrude Landis Lannon

Civil War Vets | Medal of Honor Recipients

John Laverty

Navy Fireman 1st Class, Civil War, 2 Medals of Honor
Killed in Action | World War I

Lawrence Cooper Law, Jr.

Army Private, World War I, Killed in Action; Silver Star and Purple Heart recipient
World War II

William Joseph Lawler

Army Private, World War II
Nicholas Lear headstone at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Civil War Vets | Medal of Honor Recipients

Nicholas Lear

Navy Quartermaster, Civil War Medal of Honor

Louis LeBlanc


Samuel Lees

Dry Goods and Notions Merchant
World War I

John Love Leonard, Jr.

Army Corporal, World War I; chauffeur

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